[SOLVED] The connection was reset after update to Avast 17.3.2290

The connection was reset when open setup page of OMRON MR504DV VPN ROUTER.
100% reproducoble.

Uninstall(using avastclear.exe) and re-install 17.3.2290 does not help.
Disable Web Shield fixes the problem.

Avast 17.3.2288 was working without such problem.

(Windows10 Home 64bit 1607.)

I can confirm that this is an issue since 2290 was installed (but not before).

The two sites affected for me I have been visiting for years, and they are famously trustworthy (Downloadcrew.uk and mediamonkey).

The problem seems to be that Avast has decided the “offending” sites are portscanning (Check Firewall Logs > Rules).

Adding the sites to Exclusions does not work. A workaround is to switch off portscanning detection (uncheck: Settings > Components > Firewall > Customize > Advanced > PORT SCAN DETECTION). I, for one, would rather be able to have this enabled :frowning:

I am using Windows Firewall.
So your problem is different.

Finally, Avast Beta 17.5.2300 fixes this problem. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback.