SOLVED-Windows update not working with latest Avast free 2015 RC1

I think i found a bug is this latest Avast free 2015 RC1 :frowning:
Today i tried to use windows update but i was allways getting this error code:803D000A and was unable to download any update.
Disabling the web shield resolved the problem.
Is this a known bug?

PS: I’m using Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

I don’t seem to have that issue. Update seems to be working fine here.


Run the following tool and you’ll probably solve your problem:
If this fixes your problem, it certainly wasn’t avast! related.

hi bob3160 :smiley:
Thank’s for the link but after i tried all the tools the problem still persists. Windows update only works when i disable the Avast web shield.
Anything else we can try? ::slight_smile:

Yes, check and make sure that webshield is allowed access through your firewall. :slight_smile:

Avast has full access to the internet. The only way Windows update works is when i disable the web shield.
It’s strange that i’m the only one reporting this but maybe is some bad configuration in my computer… :-
Time to investigate more 8)

Remove all rules referring to avast! from your firewall reboot and have it again ask you for permission.

I did what you told me but i’m affraid the problem remains.
I forgot to mention earlier that i’m using the windows 7 firewall

Only one other thing I can think of to try:
Turn off the windows firewall once that’s done, go to your last post in this thread:
If that works, it’s not avast! and we’ll have to rack someone’s brains to solve the problem.

Did all you told me but it’s no good :frowning:
Indeed we need more brain power to solve this

Have you tried a clean install using the avastclear tool.

No need to add avast exclusion to the windows firewall unless you have enable the outbound protection which is disabled by default

I will try a clean install and report back

Thank’s CraigB that did solve the problem. I can use Windows update again ;D

Good to hear :slight_smile:

Good to hear but it makes no sense. avast! has never been the cause of blocking Windows updates.

Maybe some corrupt file or some old Avast file still laying around

I guess that old stuff isn’t able to block Windows Update.

It’s not only the free version that is causing a problem!! I have internet sec’ and I can’t update at all!!

It isn’t Avast. Maybe if you describe your problems in your own thread, we can help you solve your problem. :slight_smile: