Some Anti-Theft Suggestions

First of all, I want to say this app is AWESOME! It works very well, and installing the beta version fixed my problems with cloud-messaging. BTW, for anyone that has problems with the app not being hidden (with a root install) after installing the beta after you install from Google Play, I was able to fix it by renaming the beta version that was installed in the /data/app path and replacing the original that was installed in the /system/app path. It will allow the app to remain hidden from your app drawer, but it can still be seen under battery use. This is good enough for me, although if it’s possible to hide it from the battery use, it could be completely hidden.

Now for some suggestions I have for this great app, and you may already have these things on the table, but I thought I would tell them to you in case you hadn’t thought of them.

I would like the ability to import SMS message reporting into the web interface. For example, you get the SMS with a position, but that position doesn’t show up on the web interface, so on the page that you open from your SMS, there could be a link to import the position into the web interface.

Not real important, but you could also add the ability to export history as a KML file or similar.

Another suggestion is to maybe add the ability to take a picture remotely, and this is about the only thing that Cerberus has over your app, although overall, yours is much better.

The ability to record remotely isn’t really needed, since you have the ability to have the phone call you, and this part works well.

I will be recommending your app to any of my friends that need an anti-theft app on their phone. Great job!

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Thanks, I can’t believe I didn’t see that. Oh well.

No problem, welcome to the forums.