"Some Files Could Not Be Scanned"... AWS Files??

Periodically, when doing a full scan, Avast reports some files could not be scanned. When I look into what those files are, it is always a series of AWS files with an invalid path. What’s this all about?

is it located in avast/defs…folder?

it sometimes happens if you do a scan right after avast have done some house cleaning in the definition folder…
if you reboot and scan again it should be gone…is it?

Thanks for your reply.

I noticed that the files not scannned appeared after Avast updated def file, and files not scanned had a broken file path error, C: Program Files… so I uninstalled Avast with the uninstall tool in Safe Mode and reinstalled Avast. Did this twice and used CCleaner to make sure all was wiped off.

Now, the fresh install of Avast WILL NOT UPDATE!!!. Stuck on initializing – again!. Went to Control Panel and tried repair. Rebooting shows today’s def file instead of yesterday, but still hung on initializing.
Have no idea what is going on… never even got to the files not scanned issue.

What gives?

I get this too! Except mine is Chrome user data folder, cache files, they are all password protected so it can’t scan.

What should I do? Right now I Just ignored it…

Ignore is the correct option. You don’t know the password, avast doesn’t know the password (only chrome would), so nothing that you or avast can do about that.

Files that can’t be scanned are just that, not an indication they are suspicious/infected, just unable to be scanned.

OK… but what about the update situation??

My reply was directly to the post above mine otherwise I would the Quote function.

Did the repair report any errors ?

Did you reboot after the repair, if not do so. Whilst it isn’t entirely necessary it is worthwhile as a reboot may also resolve that problem.

OK… finally got it all working, thanks for your help. Subsequent scans do not report files not scanned. Repair did not report any errors.

Also, pulled AVG off a Vista machine, what a hassle to remove AVG. Long waits for reboots and cryptic DOS type messages. Avast Removal Tool is more user friendly. Vista machine working OK, so far. No apparent update problems… again thanks!

One more XP machine to go!!!

You’re welcome.