Some Files Could Not Be Scanned - Error:the file cannot be accessed (1920)


When I did a full scan, yesterday, I got the above error (for the first time ever).
I ran Malwarebytes and all was fine.
Today I got a pop up saying that Avast had an updated version, so thought that was the issue.
I downloaded the newer version, but I am still getting the error.

There are, what look like over a thousand files in the list.
The only major change I see on my PC is the Windows Update for Windows 10 (which I have not yet installed).
Could this be related? If not, what could this be and how can I fix.


Some Files Could Not Be Scanned
This is one of the most frequently asked questions, so plenty info if you forum search....
The only major change I see on my PC is the Windows Update for Windows 10 (which I have not yet installed). Could this be related? If not, what could this be and how can I fix.
You dont say what files and where they are located..... but yes it can be

How do I handle files that avast! can’t scan?

thanks for your response.

yes, i read that article (and several postings on forums).
what concerns me is that this is a new issue (been using avast for years and never had this issue before), and also that i have, what appear to be thousands of files…all with different extensions…that cannot be scanned.

If you post a screenshot, then we may be able to tell you what they are

this is no concern as they will be scanned by avast in realtime when whatever use them access, unpack, read those files…


Guessing Win10 update …

yeah, that was my guess as well. thanks for your help!! :slight_smile:

BT and WS are windows 10 folders waiting for the update command

perfect! thank you so much. :slight_smile:

That was confusing the hell out of me, there I was thinking what was British Telecom (BT) doing in this equation :wink:

I have the same issue. So if this is being caused by the system waiting for the W10 update, what happens when I don’t update? I hadn’t planned to. Does this mean Avast will not be able to scan these files unless I upgrade?

As has been said scanning the files isn’t an issue, they are essentially protected. Not an indication that they are malware or suspicious.

You don’t have to upgrade to win10 if you don’t want to.