Some files could not be scanned Error: The system cannot find the path specified

Yeah, I saw some old threads of this, but they didnt seem to answer my situation.

Seems that every single scan for the past few weeks (I do a full scan in the middle of the night, every night) I get this error on my desktop. I read in some places its not an “error”. Well if it isnt, there shouldnt be an error screen i need to close each morning.

The worse part is that the files that it complains that it cannot scan are AVAST files.

For example:

c:\program files\avast software\avast\defs\11050701\algo.dll

It has a list of 7 AVAST DLLs that it cannot scan each night, because the system cant find the path.

how do i fix this?

Don’t worry. Files cannot be found were deleted between the start of the scanning and when avast finishes it.
That are definitions files changed in between. Don’t worry.

  • Nothing to worry about, those are old virus definitions folders and avast is doing some housecleaning to keep the size used on the hard disk to a minimum. This just happens to have occurred between the time you started the scan and it reaching that old defs folder.

Sorry if hijacked this topic!! first post.
I get this nearly every other scan.
I have Avast 6.0.1125 all my reports for this message are as follows:-
get same message with just last part different 5 times in one scan.
I can’t do anything with them in the Scan report.
Can you tell me how to stop this, or what I should do to repair it!

Have ZoneAlarm [free]

Sorry. Not sure what you mean…?
Files in this directory are no problem, they belong to avast (VPS update).
So, what do you want to know…??

Basically you are going over the top and doing too many on-demand scans, you can’t stop avast doing its housekeeping.

The other thing if it has happened multiple times, it probably means you are running an on-demand scan every day, which on a resident on-access antivirus is a much depreciated requirement.

  • With a resident on-access antivirus like avast, the need for frequent on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part the on-demand scan is going to be scanning files that would be otherwise be dormant or inert. If they were active files then the on-access file system shield would be scanning them before being created, modified, opened or executed.

I have avast set to do a scheduled weekly Quick scan (I have only ever seen this once), set at a time and day that I know the computer will be on (usually late in the day when avast is likely to have done its housekeeping). If for some reason my system wasn’t on, no big deal I will catch up on the next scheduled scan.

Thanks, but I do a FULL SCAN ONCE A WEEK! It is scheduled to do it at 1am on a Sunday, when computer will not be in use! and I get this result every time!
I hardly do another scan in between unless I get a problem and want to check I’ve no virus!
I know they are to do with Avast definitions, but I never know if scan actually finished properly after it couldn’t scan these. I just wondered if there was a way to either get rid of them or stop it trying to find them. They are for Avast 5, I have Avast 6
So surely when I updated to 6 it should have deleted those??
When I open the results, it gives you options to do something with them, but not any of these do anything at all.
Appreciate it if could tell me how to do it!

I used the AvastUI to update from Avast 5 to Avast 6. This does not change the install directory, as has been stated in several threads here. The definitions still reside at C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\defs in a subdirectory reflecting the date.

Current at this time is 11060500, while the previous 11060401 still resides there. If I started a scan right now and Avast also did it’s housekeeping deleting the previous definitions, then the entire contents of that directory would be deleted. This is what is causing the files not found issue.

OTOH, doing a clean install of Avast would change the directory, but the issue would still exist, just with a different install directory.

The scans says file it cannot scan is 11060400\algo.dll
It seems to be every second week, except this time it was 2 weeks together.
Would re-sheduling the time for scan clear it?
Or have I got to put up with this all the time?
I do exactly the same with laptop and often doing something on both as have family tree program on both!
But I don’t get this problem on laptop, and scan set for same time, day etc.
Would be handy if you could tell when Avast doing housekeeping!
Thanks anyway.

Well I don’t see it as a problem if you know why those files couldn’t be scanned, so I don’t know what it is that you are having to put up with, if it were something to worry about then I could see the point.

As to when you should schedule it I have said when I schedule my scan, late in the day (or rather early morning 12:15am) before I would normally shut the system down. Also you don’t tell us what type of scan you are doing, or crucially when and how frequently you schedule the scan ?

I do a scheduled Quick scan once a week, Sunday at 12:15am and I have only ever come across this once.

I wrote a couple of posts up from this that I do a FULL SCAN at 1am every Sunday.
Just that it doesn’t close down after done the scan!

Wondering if it scanned everything other than those files or did it stop and didn’t scan after it couldn’t find those!

What happens if you try doing a Quick scan instead of a Full scan ?

It may be that it digs deeper into the areas to be scanned and actually running the Full scan may trigger the housekeeping if to avoid scanning what would be redundant folders, 59MB plus currently for each of these defs sub-folders.

I used to do a Full scan monthly, but have since abandoned that as it really doesn’t bring much more to the party, the Quick scan is looking at the files that are more at risk of infection and or present an immediate risk if infected. As I mentioned in Reply #5 above, on-demand scanning on a resident AV is much depreciated, so I only go for the Quick scan as active files would be covered by the on-access scanner.

Thank you so much, I will try that.
As you say it might work out better.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Appreciate your help.

You’re welcome.