Some files could not be scanned

A scheduled Full System Scan just completed and came up with a load of files, which could not be scanned. They are all to do with Google Chrome so i am not worried about them but this has never happened before so just wonder why now. See attached screen shot…

Password protected files.
Nothing to worry about.
Just clear you cache.

Well you changed the default settings to scan all archives didn’t you ?

I can’t see any purpose in scanning what are inert archive files. they have to be opened, files extracted and executables run before they present a risk. The file system shield should have scanned those files considered at risk or present an immediate risk would be scanned long before that happens.

I didn’t change anything.

Well I cant understand why it is scanning archives, as is shown in the image by default they aren’t scanned.

So unless this is something else as I can’t see how chrome caches would a) be considered archives and b) why they would be password protected. But I don’t use chrome and don’t know if it would legitimately password protect its caches.