package: Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 856 ms
18.07.2011 15:26:27 package: Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 1
18.07.2011 15:26:27 general: Customer 30828163
18.07.2011 15:26:27 general: DldSrc set to inet
18.07.2011 15:26:27 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 296 (maintenance:0)
18.07.2011 15:26:27 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download893 AVAST5 Server’ from ‘main’
18.07.2011 15:26:27 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
18.07.2011 15:26:27 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
18.07.2011 15:26:27 internet: Sending stats ‘’: 00000000 204
18.07.2011 15:26:27 file: NeedReboot=false
18.07.2011 15:26:27 general: Return code: 0x000036B1 [This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.]
18.07.2011 15:26:27 general: Stopped: 18.07.2011, 15:26:27
it wont keep getting the same thing over and over again
Which avast…?
Which version…?
im on windows xp SP3
i just get avast internet security from the web site so
the latest version i guess
Did you get a license, or are you on trial…?
i got a license for 2 year’s
- Download:
- Follow instructions here:
- Reinstall AIS.
Well there is another possibility:
18.07.2011 15:26:27 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
I don’t know if the update proxy settings might be the problem, if as this says it is using those of IE.
Try avastUI, Settings, Updates, Proxy Settings, and set it to Direct connection (no proxy) and see if that makes a difference.
Thanks Dave, I missed that…!
@OP: Try: Direct Connection (No Proxy) first…!!
It is a slim possibility though not 100%, so I was clutching at any straw offered ;D
Well, for the OP it’s easier to test this first, compared to a clean reinstall.
So, a good suggestion, imo.
i real;y dont gettit it just wont let me re/install if tryed the things sugested ??? >:(
just geeps coming up with the same thing
Exactly what error do you get when you try to uninstall ?
it’s like its fine up until the point it try’s to install and then it comes up with that error
system: Executing:C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\vcredist_x86_SP1.exe /q
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: Executed:C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\vcredist_x86_SP1.exe /q
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: ERROR: VC redistributable check failed, error 0x000036B1
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: Uninstalling aswTdi.sys
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: Stopping service aswTdi
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: OpenSCManager
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: OpenService
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: OpenService, errcode: 0x00000424
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: Service aswTdi stopped, errcode: 0x00000424
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: Couldn’t uninstall the network component, result: 0x00000001.
18.07.2011 23:03:34 system: Service aswNdis uninstalled
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: Deleted registry: Software\AVAST Software\Avast
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: Cannot open reg. key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AvastUI.exe
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-18, C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\NtUser.dat)
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: RegUnloadKey
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-19, C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NtUser.dat)
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-20, C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NtUser.dat)
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-1708537768-117609710-1801674531-1004, C:\Documents and Settings\mathew\NtUser.dat)
18.07.2011 23:03:34 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
OK, was the Install/uninstall carried out using an account with admin privileges ?
If not, that is a requirement.
If so because you have had uninstall issues, try following the clean install instructions in the order set out below.
Here is the process of a clean install:
Download the latest version of avast AIS, 6.0.1203 (link in Reply #7 above) and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again (if you didn’t save your last download). Use that when you reinstall.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, aswClear.exe find it here and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for both 5.x and 6.0.x).
- Now uninstall avast! (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility from safe mode, first for 5.x if previously installed and then for 6.0, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.
i did that i even found some avast stuff lurking in documents and settings/user/addlication data removed it with the cleaner made sure i was good and it still wont install and yes i am a admin
I’m at a bit of a loss as to what else to suggest, as a clean install usually resolves issues in a corrupt installation, etc.
Looking back on your last post error “Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION” which I would say is a Windows blocking error (what OS are you running ?), rather than an internal avast one.
Do you have any form of registry protection application or is it built into any other security application, firewall (which is ?)
What other security applications do you have installed ?
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
Edit: Just did a google search on the error as it is something that was in the back of my head as being familiar, The first hit is for the avast forum and there are a few other topics flagged in that entry, so you could check those and se if there is anything relevant.