Some problems about the Avast! extension on Firefox and Chrome.

  1. [Firefox]
    When I click the “SETTINGS” button, no feedback.
    I can’t make some settings.


  1. [Firefox & Chrome]
    When I disable “Social network blocked” at, I want it disable at *, but it only disable the, not other sub-domain.
    So, I need disable “Social network blocked” at all it sub-domain.

我禁用了"Social network blocked"在 ,我希望它在整个 * 都禁用,但是它只禁用了 ,在子域名上没有禁用。
于是我就得在 的每个子域名上都设置禁用。(,, ,等等,这很累。)

  1. [Firefox & Chrome]
    When I make some settings in Chrome, I can’t sync it to Firefox, or IE.

各个浏览器上的 Avast! 插件的设置无法同步。也就是说,我在 Chrome 里面修改了某些网站的禁用设置,我无法把它同步到 Firefox 和 IE ,我还得每个浏览器都设置一遍。

Uninstall the Avast Online Security Add-On. It has many issues with it.

Ok, if you really want the extension in Firefox, I found a Fix.

1 - Search for firefox 26 and Download it.
2 - Uninstall firefox but choose to keep all your data.
3 - Install v26.
4 - Let it open, close it. And open it again.
5 - Make your changes to Avast extension.
6 - Update firefox to the latest version.

Keep in mind that when you update firefox, you cannot access avast extension settings again. But they will be saved from the previous version.