Some questions with ADNM

Dear Sir:

My company network arch like under,
If ADNM can management or receive these client avast message from branch?

and, If I can put the virus-sig update dir on the other computer different from ADNM server?

If for some reason, i must reinstall or move adnm server from A to B,
can I backup configure files and restore to new server?
or I worry that new ADNM server can’t commuicate with clients any more…

Thank you


You network configuration is Ok for ADNM.

You need to open and redirect TCP ports for ADNM in you router/firewall to you local IP and configure customers computers to use the public IP of you router/firewall as AMS.

The virus definition list must be in the AMS Server. To change the server and open ports, use this manual:


Dear Sir :

I used ADNM(Ver. 4.7.657)make a MSI, but that file can’t install to vista,how can i do?

How can I change the ADNM administrator password (and for managed client)?

If My mirror server can’t be connected, client would connect to avast main server auto?
Where should i set My mirror site Domain info for client MSI in ADNM console correctly?
and if i can set more than one mirror site record?

If I install ADNM on a win2003 server with IIS, how should i set the adnm for IIS?

Thank you

If anyone can tell me how to slove it?
I click the MSI file, It ran the decompres process , than close auto with no error message…

Thank you.

Could you execute the MSI file “as administrator”?

sorry, in normal mode, no administrator account can select
I decompres the MSI file and execute the setup.exe directly,
It failed and i copy the log under


28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Started: 28.08.2008, 20:36:08
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Running setup_av_net-334 (820)
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6000, sp 0.0
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Memory: 42% load. Phys:1210948/2095680K free, Page:3298844/4194303K free, Virt:2039512/2097024K free
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Computer WinName: PINKY-BIGBLACK
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Windows Net User: pinky-bigblack\pinky
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Cmdline:
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Using temp: C:\Users\pinky\AppData\Local\ (79474M free)
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: DldSrc set to inet
28.08.2008 20:36:08 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/4.70 (av_net-820;p)
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Computer DnsName: pinky-bigblack
28.08.2008 20:36:08 system: Computer Ip Addr:
28.08.2008 20:36:08 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
28.08.2008 20:36:08 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
28.08.2008 20:36:08 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=7.0.6000.16681
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Operation set to INST_OP_INSTALL
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: GUID: 3c0a974c-b62e-4d06-a43c-3e8eff6de1b7
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Default server pseudo definition loaded as ‘’.
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘FailSafeServer’ from ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:08 package: GetPackages - set proxy for inet
28.08.2008 20:36:08 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
28.08.2008 20:36:08 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
28.08.2008 20:36:08 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
28.08.2008 20:36:20 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
28.08.2008 20:36:20 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
28.08.2008 20:36:21 general: progress thread start
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: progress start - 1
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: compatCopyFile( \servers.def.vpu, C:\Users\pinky\AppData\Local\\onefile ) failed with error 0x00000002
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: InvalidateCurrent: invalidated server ‘FailSafeServer’ from ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: SelectCurrent: unable to find any suitable server in ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 internet: while trying to get file ‘servers.def.vpu’, error 0x00000002 has occured, try 1
28.08.2008 20:36:22 internet: tried 1 servers to get file ‘servers.def.vpu’, but failed (0x00000002)
28.08.2008 20:36:22 file: GetNewerStampedFile:GetFileWithRetry failed: C:\Users\pinky\AppData\Local\\onefile, servers.def.vpu, error: 0x00000002
28.08.2008 20:36:22 package: Download servers.def, servers.def.vpu failed with error 0x20000011.
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: compatCopyFile( \servers.def, C:\Users\pinky\AppData\Local\\onefile ) failed with error 0x00000002
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: InvalidateCurrent: invalidated server ‘FailSafeServer’ from ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: SelectCurrent: unable to find any suitable server in ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 internet: while trying to get file ‘servers.def’, error 0x00000002 has occured, try 1
28.08.2008 20:36:22 internet: tried 1 servers to get file ‘servers.def’, but failed (0x00000002)
28.08.2008 20:36:22 file: GetNewerStampedFile:GetFileWithRetry failed: C:\Users\pinky\AppData\Local\\onefile, servers.def, error: 0x00000002
28.08.2008 20:36:22 package: Tried to download servers.def but failed with error 0x00000002.
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: progress end - 0
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: progress thread end
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: InvalidateCurrent: invalidated server ‘FailSafeServer’ from ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: SelectCurrent: unable to find any suitable server in ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 internet: SYNCER: Type: Invalid
28.08.2008 20:36:22 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: SelectCurrent: unable to find any suitable server in ‘main’
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: progress end - forced
28.08.2008 20:36:22 general: progress thread end

If anyone can tell me how to slove it? :frowning:

Thank you

And , I set the AVS at management console,
I install the MSI from ADNM to XP client,
But why client update from avast, not my server?

The 1.jpg : managed client downloaded from avast web
The 2.jpg : managed client builded by my ADNM

I already post the log, I try for 4 vista PC too!

If someone can tell me how to slave the problem??
I want to install my build avast MSI on Vista !!!

Thank you