Some questions with avast! Linux

Dear Sir:

I have some question with avast! for Linux/BSD,
If avast! for Linux/BSD has any way can be managemented by centre?
If avast! for Linux/BSD support any kind log/record report for mail/host scan result?
(e.g Web Interface with web server? GUI? just log?)
Seems It still can’t support AMD64 Arch Linux/BSD OS now?

Thank you

there’s no such “central gui-based controlling console”, as in windows. But, managing more clients centrally is easy on UNIX-like systems, so it would be a bit like bringing wood to the forest - via SSH you have perfectly secure possibility to script all actions as you need, and such script can be invoked via cron too.

Which kind of actions would you like to manage remotely? On-demand scheduled scans & reporting?


So no tools by avast can easily deploy or management more than one Linux/BSD server?
I would like to do something like set some config let it auto set when install ;
download virus-sig from the dir that centre appointed,
and send alert to centre or let centre catch some states form Linux/BSD clients(virus-sig ver ; scan engine ver. …)

the other question is,
If i use mail plug-in on Linux/BSD mail server , If any way can show the report let me easy to see the statistics result?
( user_add : income : outgoing : infected
… … … … )

Well, there are more possibilites:

  1. central database / config
    – use network-mounted volume with the installation OR
    – have a local copy of 400.vps, and redirect request for to the local machine OR
    – manage the installation/scans centrally via sshd

Question for additional avast4mail features should be rather for my colleague Frantisek (


Dear Sir:

– use network-mounted volume with the installation
you mean share one Linux/BSD Dir(maybe NFS?) let other Linux/BSD hosts mount it to install?
– have a local copy of 400.vps, and redirect request for to the local machine
I can set a web server provide Virus-sig downloads for other clients(Win/Linux/BSD) by use http right?

– manage the installation/scans centrally via sshd
You mean login to every server and do it by myself(<-centre)?

and another question, If Linux home can install to the BSD?
seems Linux home-workstation not for sell at business?

Thank you

yes, exactly. those two ways are sharing 400.vps over network (or, copying it from central repository), or, leaving all installations in original form, and redirect their http request to some local server which will offer 400.vps mirror. the resulting effect - bandwidth spare - is achieved with all of them.

the workstation version is not available for freebsd at the moment.
