Some Questions

??? Hi All

Very new to this software, hope to get some answers

(1) Will Avast at the same time clean virus when found one ?

(2) Will Avast check downloading files ?

(3) Will Avast check Dos games run under win XP ?

(4) Will Avast work if I don’t load NAV in the memory ? instead of totally remove NAV since I got no backup disk for NAV comes with my PC

Thanks in advance


(1) Will Avast at the same time clean virus when found one ?
yes if u have the vrdb ( a database avast creates every month or every weeks or every hours

(2) yes turn on check created& modified

(3) i almost sure , yes

(4) norton residend shield uses a vxd , and it runs with the operation system , so it’s better if u uninstall it
u will miss nothing , NORTON is a CRAP

Hi Mantra

Thanks for the reply

After reading the forum, it seems like uninstalling Norton is such a pain !!

Don’t know for a newbies like me, is there any straight forward uninstall program which no need to touoch registry (because not very familiar esp the export & import …)
