I have all the real-time shields enabled but since the last update some are disabled at start-up (file shield). I keep enabling it but next time I turn on the PC it is off again. Have tried uninstall/reinstall. any ideas?
Which ones are disabled ?
Commonly it is the web shield and the mail shield, as they are user startup related they start after the avast normal start. Usually this lasts for a few seconds and they will start on their own given time, provided you don’t go on-line or try to receive email during this time it isn’t critical.
How long does it take for them to start if you leave then alone ?
I am having the same problem with my XP system. I didn’t see any resolution to this. Was anything discovered.
There is no information to base any suggestion on and the original poster didn’t get back.
I asked some questions, which you could also answer, plus these:
What is the full version of avast you have 5.0.677 is the latest ?
Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
I am running the most current version. I’ve been running the Avast home version for at least 5 years. It works very well.
What about the questions in the previous post Reply #1 they are as relevant for you.
Web and email shields are disabled. This is consistent with each startup. I have not left them off for any period of time to see if they come on their own as referenced in the earlier post.
On my system I’m the only user and I have my default account logon automatically. Because of this my user account is open relatively quickly, so I see this for a short time but it goes away very quickly.
This shouldn’t for the most part be an issue provided that it isn’t for a very long duration and you don’t browse whilst the web shield isn’t running.
If you don’t wait and click on the Fix Now button on the avastUI, Summary does that start them ?