HI avast team how is it going today. I am some small things I would like to talk about the 2015 avast Beta3.
The first thing that I would like to see improved a lot is when I first turn on my desktop computer I get a black screen for about five minutes then finally I will get just a mouse pointer. This will last for a couple more minutes and then finally the welcome screen will come up and then my desktop will get to the desktop.
The other issue that I would also like to see improved by a lot is when my desktop gets to the desktop finally everything will load on the lower task bar and will be started and avast is still not on the taskbar at all it probably takes avast about twenty minutes before avast free will finally show up on the lower task bar.
The last thing I want to talk discuss is when I went to do a quick scan I started the quickscan about 11:00 am to 12:30 pm and the quickscan still did not get completely done I had to stop the quickscan and it was at 99%. The quickscan takes a long long time hope this gets improved avast/
I might have a solution for your quick scan problem. Try doing my method on increasing scan speed. Go to scan} Then go to scan for viruses } then go to quick scan } Click on scan settings } Go to Performance }Then finally set Scan Priority to High. Hope this Helps
I have a similar issue. After every restart Im stucked before the logon screen. It just stays black for a couple of minutes. Could you please Avast team investigate and fix this problem? Thank you.
You can also speed up full system scan by unchecking “Store Data about scanned files in the persistent cache” box and checking “Speed up Scanning by using Persistent Cache” box.
That may speed one element up, but you lose out on the benefits of ‘Speed up scanning by using the persistent cache.’ So if you don’t populate the persistent cache, you could be losing out on that benefit. It may take a few scans before you start to notice the benefit of populating and using the persistent cache.
The latter one helps the performance of the other, but the former still works without it, but the files that would be included in the Persistent cache would be a smaller number.