I have very strange problem. All computers in Computer catalog (ADNM) have a key icon.
When I try to update VPS I receive an error 0fff0021. As I see, it means that I have some
trouble with number of computers for my license. But I have an unlimited license.
When I try to delete all computers from Computer catalog (ADNM) and after that I try to
run “Find” task - all my 30 computers in my network have green icons. After 10-20 minutes
all my computers have key icons and they don’t make update VPS again.
Couldn’t you help me with this problem ?
Faithfully yours,
Yury V. Medvedev.
My data of license:
CustomerName=Jurij Medvedev
CustomerCompany=OOO “Central’nyj prodovol’stvennyj rynok”
Microsoft Windows Server 2003Server (Build 3790) Service Pack 2 / Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
E5405 @ 2.00GHz, MMX, ~1598Mhz / 4187752 KB / avast! 4.8.975 /
yes you need to buy more licenses
the unlimited is for the time until you can use it. I guess it says unlimited to keep u protected but it is not supported after the time that u originally purchased it for…
this page you can tell how much servers and clients you need to protect and possibly how much email boxes and things like that
on the bottom of the page it will then give you 2 options
a cheaper solution in the form of suites, where it is possible that you buy a few more licenses then really needed (good for growth!!)
the normal purchase of a single license per object which results in more expensive solution
i dont know which reseller you used in your country, but i advise you to find another one since this one doesnt seem to understand the licensing construction
if you purchused it from the website then you unfortuanately made a mistake and need to buy extra licenses for which you will receive (on request probably) a new license file to be imported in your AMS…