On the 15th of every month, I boot into Windows to update everything, whether I’ve used Windows the previous month or not.
I just like running a tidy ship so to speak, so this morning was the day…
First, avast wants to update it’s files.
Then, there’s a passel of updates from Microsoft to update Windows security issues.
Once that’s done, the computer needs a reboot, and I have to wait for Grub to load so I can choose to reboot Windows, instead of Linux which is my default OS.
Then, though I didn’t ask it to do so (since I hadn’t been on Windows) Defender insists on doing a scan.
Then, though I don’t plan on running the programs, I update the signatures on:
SpyBot (checksum errors, so I have to download it again from another server).
And finally, I update the avast VRDB data base
On my old box, it took over an hour to do all this, which is absolutely ridiculous. Just so you can use Windows?
Give me a break! >:(
(There, I feel better. :))