Someone else does this happen?

I installed avast in a new mac book air :wink: and everything seemed fine. It was working without any issue,

but I have noticed when Start the computer without internet conection, I got a warning msg saying - internal error, please open avast or check system logs.

I could not check any logs or i did not get any notification ??? and avast icon appears gray and the application offers repair the installation (but I did).

If I turn wifi connection again magically disappears alert and application work again like nothing. :o

You’re not alone! See my entry titled “Problem w/latest release?” which details the same issue.

Interesting about the wi-fi interaction. I hadn’t tried that.

this problem was identified and fixed - just start the computer with internet connection and invoke manual update from the menu.
When the virus database is up-to-date(~younger than 5th Novemberh), this problem should be gone.
