Someone like me needs help

I need some help and i know it isnt a virus that caused it…ok i restored my computer, with the restore disc i used the wrong disc and now my computer dosent have sound and it says i dont have a video card which now is becomeing a problem >_< Because i cant play any games or listen to music! and now i found the right restore disc and it dosent work on it netheir does windows vista disc i would contact microsoft about it but they never answer me i called last week and they didnt answer me so i’m wondering if anyone here can help thanks ;D


Before I extend my help I need to know your hardware profile of your computer. All that I understood from your question is that while restoring your operating system you hardware drivers for the motherboard, sound card, and viedo card in your computer have not been installed. So try to install all the inf files from the motherboard CD that you have got and install all the drivers from that CD. If you do not have a CD try download it from the site of your motherboard and peripheral manufacturer’s site. All the drivers should be available for you.
I would like have the data to help you further as under:

  1. Which operating system you are using? (eg Windows Xp, Vista etc.)
  2. What is the make of your computer and the details of your hardware profile?
  3. What is your make of your motherboard, video card and sound card?
    N. B. Panjwani, Mumbai, India