Thank you to read this .
I come from China .I have got the avast with GUI today.
But I can’t update because my ISP can not provide the service of surfing foreign sites if I do not pay more.
Yes,I can ask proxy for help.But it is difficult to find one in China .
Now I come here with the help of .
I want to know how to download the files that I can update the avast with these files.Who can give me a link or tell me how to get it.I have go to,but I can not find that I need(May be I can’t find it because my poor English……)
avast! VPS Update - Manual Download Download to your Hard Disk and just double click it and it will update the signatures (it is quite a large download).
For updating an off-line systems, download using a system with internet connection, save the file to a CD or USB drive and transfer it to the off-line system and run it to update the VPS signatures file.
Though if your ISP doesn’t allow surfing foreign sights I don’t know if you would be able to reach that either as it too would be classed as foreign. I assume you could via the that you came here.
I 'm not sure it will work but it could be a solution :
Under Ubuntu , try to execute the updater (*.exe) with a windows emulator ( wine for example ) and copy the extracted files to proper folder ( /home/.avast or /root/.avast…)
Anyway , try to see if it is possible to find a public ftp server of avast . It might help.
If your ISP does not allow to reach foreign servers, the only way I can see is asking if a particular server of avast is on China (witch I really don’t think that exists).
Can you download the update here?
for present (and for future probably too) versions of Linux avast, you need the 400.vps file. You can download this particular file from
When there’s some restriction, but you have a proxy that can go around them, just set up this proxy in your browser, or in your environment (for wget/Lynx/Links/Elinks: export http_proxy=http://some.proxy.somewhere:port), and download the file.
Anyway, there’s a script in the libavastengine package, called, which accepts proxiesas well (using NetAcc=2 in /etc/avastvpsupdate.conf, proxy migh be specified there, or also in the header of the script). Note that update is just about getting a particular file from particular URL, so there are always many workaround possible (redirectors, anonymizers, anonymous proxies…).