Sonos don't find its components when Avast Premium Firewall is active.

I have a win10 (64 bit) PC, equipped with a paid version of AVAST Premium as well as Malwarebytes Premium.

Got a problem with my SONOS controller as it don’t find its SONOS component (CONNECT) when starting.
CONNECT has a WiFi connection to a ASUS router.

After checking my router settings, upgraded ASUS router firmware, upgraded SONOS & AVAST to its latest software I have come to the conlusion that there is no problem in any of the equippments hardware/software/firmware or its internal settings.

Have tested shutting down Malware, still the same status.
When testing to shut down AVAST Firewall all problems with finding SONOS componets when starting the SONOS controller are gone.
Configuration in AVAST; all network connections are set to private, SONOS IP adresses are configured as FRIEND, policies: system rules are all default (not configured) except 1) Allow Windows File & Printer sharing and 2) Allow mulkticast traffic those are enabled.

So the only way to keep SONOS accessible I have to shut down AVAST Firewall.

Anyone elso who have had this problem and who managed to find a solution??
Thanks in advance. Gunnar

Thanks for your reply!
Didn’t find anything that helped me unfortunately.

I have no problem with any other IP adresses in the range -, NAS, Acesspoint, iPod, iPhone, printer etc, with the exception of the IP adress to SONOS CONNECT,


Try the workaround in Reply #12.

Thanks a lot!
Disabling the port scan did the trick

You’re welcome.

Hello again Asyn,

My earlier problem was fixed thanks to your advice.

But I am still having a different problem with Avast Firewall & Sonos & Win 10 (64 bit).
When Avast firewall is activated and Sonos Controller is open and PC goes into sleep mode it crashes now and then. I am not sure if it is in sleep mode, or just when entering into or just leaving sleep mode.
Have now tried a few different things, but whenever Avast Firewall is deactivated it will never happen.

Hope you are able to give me good advice also on this matter.

Best regards

You could try the latest beta:

If you’re are running windows 10 and it is installed on a laptop, try disabling fast-start-up. One way to know you’ve got it enabled is by looking to see if system up hours only reset to 0 (zero) if you do a restart.


Ok will try the beta version and see if there will be any improvement, will test during this evening.
I have a stationary built PC, I guess there is no fast start up


Desktop here too, and disabled as that can interfere at times with issues such as you are experiencing:

Don’t worry, procedure is reversible.

The Beta version installation seams to have doen the trick, no more crashes so far. Thanks thte help!!
One question; will the beta version update to a regular Avast Premium when it will become available?

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. Yes, but you will stay on beta-channel. (To quit BC, reinstall the final)