So I was trying to persuade a friend to dump AVG and use Avast after a string of memory key viruses on his system, and then this one slips in and actually activates, saturating the connection as well with its nice work. Avast did not detect it at all, however it does detect the following autorun.inf it dumps on everyones keys and memory sticks:(.
Virus Total detects it, but not Avast:(
I also email virus@avast.com the file and have heard nothing back, that was 24hours ago. Whats the normal time frame for turn around?
Seems to be a variation of W32.Ircbrute however it hits the below on port
1863. Launches through Explorer.exe so nice and hidden.
Overheated the router due to its heavy traffic on port 1863.
This DNS seems to be associated with large amounts of spam as well so maybe
its a payback? Who knows.
Please advise outcome.