I have a question about these anti-piracy organizations and reference to your company.
Do you have any kind of agreement with any of these treaties? Can any (USA, German, Swedish - don’t care which) government ask you to give information about me? Do you collect any information about me?

I just want to keep a little privacy to myself, so if any of these question will have a positive answer, then I’ll be off to seek for another antivirus. Thank you! :slight_smile:

I have my doubts you are going to get an opinion from a company person on something like this. I mean, if it was me anyway, I wouldn’t step outside the neutral zone (while acting as a company rep.). I’m sure that they are against online piracy, it has a negative impact on them as well.

As to what info is kept, how it is used;

and in more detail;
(start in section 8 )

IMHO, the most important thing in your question is what kind of personal info do you think avast has about you (look at the links Gargamel360 posted).

I mean, probably people are posting much more info in social network sites, chat rooms and what not. Privacy is one issue, piracy is another, and SOPA, PIPA and alike are yet another one.

Hi LVArturs

As long as you do not commit any wilful offense, you have nothing to fear from ACTA, SOPA, PIPA,


And by willful offense you mean piracy or what? And do you care about pirating specifically on your antivirus or pirating in general?

Why do you want to know…?? ;D