Hi malware fighters,
Sophos Anti-Rootkit download free
British av-vendor Sophos made a free anti-rootkit programme available,
that also works on Windows 7 and 64-bit versions of Windows.
Most Windows XP rootkits that the av-vendor knows of, won’t run under Windows 7.
“This mainly is the case with the more advanced rootkits
that apply specific Direct Kernel Object Manipulation (DKOM)”,
according to Graham Cluley.
However proof-of-concept rootkits exist that will work on Windows 7 and 64-bit Windows,
by blocking or circumventing the ‘secure driver loading system’.
Several rootkits of that kind were being demonstrated during a recent Black Hat presentation.
We have not seen them in the wild yet, and also 64-bit Vista & XP version rootkits
have not been encountered.
“At the moment the rootkit-threat for these platforms is not that alarming,
but it is good to have a product ready for when they finally are going to appear.”
The program can run next to existing resident av solutions.
This Anti-Rootkit software can be downloaded from here:
Nice to have aboard,