SOS:SMS does not work

I installed anti theft software yesterday, but none Sms can work , that is, I can receive SMSs , but they can be seen in the INBOX .

Is there something wrong when I install the software?

Recieved SMS are suppose to be in the inbox, could you describe your issue better?

I think I can, I have the same problem. When I send an SMS command to my phone (ex. SIREN ON), the siren turns on correctly, but I still get the SMS popup and notification with the SMS command (including the code used for accessing the AVAST! Anti Theft app. The thief can easily read the code and gain access to the Anti Theft app. I have this problem with GoSMS.

Maybe there’s a way to hide these pop-ups and notifications from showing?

The problem is GO SMS. It doesnt work correctly with it.

Yes, neaners1 is right. Third party messaging apps like GO SMS will cause this intercept problem. Handcent SMS also causes the same problem. When you enter Anti-Theft configuration, it will warn you if a third party SMS app is incompatible.

I am using Pansi SMS, and although Anti-Theft warns of a compatibility problem, Pansi does work fine with Anti-Theft.

I’m having the same issue with the stock Messaging app on my Galaxy Nexus. If I test send a locate command for example I’ll get notifications and all that just like any other text message. Please advise.


and does the Anti-Theft respond correctly to your commands?


Nevermind silly me - I used google voice to test it and of course it was forwarding to my phone still even though I thought I had disabled that.
Avast Anti-theft is working perfectly as intended in stealth mode without any issues on the stock SMS app of the Galaxy Nexus. Good work guys and sorry for the false alarm.

Another question though - is it possible to force enable GPS on a non-rooted installation with Android 4.0?


unfortunately not, Google removed that possibility in 2.3 I think.
