Though notifications are displayed, sounds for VPS updation, virus detection are not being played. I have not disabled sound settings.
I am using the latest version with latest upd ???ates

Can you manually check the sound set for that event using the Control Panel applet for Sounds?

Since installing I have never looked into this aspect. I have always found the sound message “virus database has been updated” or “a virus has been detected in your system”
I even do not know where to find this or how to activate this.

Open avast Program Settings (right click the ‘a’ blue icon on system tray).
Choose Sounds tab.
Click Settings
Go to Sounds tab
Browse for the avast sounds and set them :wink:

I had tried these. I was looking for the sound which were mentioned in my first mail.
Attaching the image? Where are these sounds?

The sound files are in the avast folder in the subfolder with the name of the language you want to use.

c:\program files\alwil software\avast4\ENGLISH\

thanks lukor.

Scaa, you can use the Windows sounds if you want.
is the default path for them.
If you click ‘Browse’ and choose the proper file sound you can test it :wink: