Spam even though I'm a paying customer!

This bullshit needs to stop right now Avast!

I’m using a paid Internet Security License, yet the last two days I’ve been presented with Avast popups for Safezone browser.
And it’s not the first time you’ve done this practice.

No wonder your power users are sick of you and I’m one of them. I don’t see my self using Avast after my current license is over, your company and software is bloatware and a mess.

As a paid product user you can turn them off.

AvastUI > Settings > General - Scroll down to Popups and expand it - uncheck the ‘Show popup offers for other Avast products.’

Note: the SafeZone Browse is already an element in AIS is it not ?

Thanks, I’ve unchecked it. Weird it’s not off as a default in a premium product, but I guess that says a lot about how Avast works these days.

SafeZone Browser is already an element, so it’s an ad for something I already had and knew was there, which makes it even more sad.

I too would have thought it would be off by default.

Weird you already have it in the paid products, but some of these ads are as dumb as a stick. Like being offered avast mobile security when I have it installed on my phone.

My only thought being that the information is available in the device list, but that would require avast interrogating the account to see what you have. That many would rightly consider to be spying (if they could access it) to get the info.

Do you have the SafeZone Browser installed ?

Avast probably doesn’t turn it off by default because, even though we have a paid product, they also offer many other products that they want to push to us. Nevermind that they use a shotgun approach to the ads. ::slight_smile:

Clearly he has as is mentioned in his post: