spam filter in ais

It looks like only the 1st (primary) email account is checked by avast spam filter. At least it only re-writes the subject line for the first email account. The rest don’t seem to be checked. So, how to get it to check all the email accounts when downloading emails? Not doing anything different or weird. Port 110. So, does avast even scan all the emails in the other accounts?

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If you are using email accounts like Yahoo, Google and Yahoo they have their own anti-spam filters. I could be wrong but it is my understanding that they handle the spam for each of these respective accounts.

avsst! will handle the spam for the email account provided by your ISP. Do you have more than one email account from your ISP provider?

Yes, I have several emails on my domain and 1 on my isp and another on a free email server. I use them for different things and one is just for a junk email address. I don’t use yahoo or gmail etc. I use windows live email client, which is the older one because I detest the ribbon bar in the new windows live email. win7 sp1.

I don’t know what your other email accounts are but Windows Live email has a spam filter, You can also look at programs like AntispamSniper for Windows Live Mail

You can also use Mailwasher free or paid.

Others here are more knowledgeable on this than I am so maybe someone else will come along that can offer more information.