Spam for the Forum (NSFW!)

I got an email regarding a personal message on the Avast forum. If you are under 18 or don’t like looking at enlarged Asian naked male …um… parts, don’t look at the pic at the URL below. It was in line in the message and my 5 year old daughter came very close to seeing my screen just as I was pulling up the message on my laptop. Is this new? Has this been a problem before? Is there anything that can be done?

P.S. Avast rocks! I don’t get much chance to say thanks for such a great product!!

I just receive that mail today ???

You have just been sent a personal message by JessicaA on avast!WEBforum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:

If you have some time check out this COOL pic:

Also, check out the following website I came across:

It will knock your socks off!
Next, the below website is thrilling!!!

Finally, the following website is the absolute BOMB!!!



[removed by me][/removed by me]

Antivirus avast! : message Entrant sain.
Base de donnees virale (VPS) : 0641-3, 12/10/2006
Analyse le : 12/10/2006 23:09:55
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2006 ALWIL Software.

and the sender is supposed to be “”

What do you think of that ???

It’s a Personal Message sent by malicious user thru this forum. I’m sorry for that but currently I see no way how to prevent such actions. >:(

The person was banned ASAP (but not as soon as I’d want)

Just to complete my post: it’s not a PM, this crap has been sent to my email

[edit]yes, PM too >:([/edit]

Just found this thread. I PM’ed an Admin about it. I’m a Forum Admin myself, if that happened on my board I’d be pretty annoyed.

A possibility might be to separate the emailing script from the rest of the forum itself, and only allow localhost connections to the script.

Upgrading to the latest SMF would help…

Got one too- this came to my personal email account. Checked my profile and my email is hidden, how did this person get my email address?

What new feature is in 1.0.8 (latest version), to prevent this?

You’re getting notification about it in your mail. But it’s PM sent from another registered user.

Hey Kubecj,

On the Comodo forums we have a limit to 1 post per 90 seconds, that helps a lot on the speed that spammers can post at, this also applies to PM’s they can only send 1 PM per 90 seconds as well. So say they post some spam then they cannot post again or send an e-mail for 90 seconds. Maybe you should consider setting these restrictions, of course it doesn’t have to be 90 seconds, you can make it a shorter time such as 45 or whatever you like.

Here it’s 20 seconds. It’s obvious it doesn’t work for PMs :frowning:

Hmmm, is the forum software up to date? If not that feature may be only available in future versions.

Comodo is using SMF 1.1 RC2

P.S. I think that Comodo took off the 90 second limit for posts, I believe you can only send 1 PM every 90 seconds though. Still with this feature it can help cut down on spam.

Actually, (if I’m not mistaken) 1.0.8 might be the end of that line…

You’re better off with SMF 1.1 RC3… Has CAPTCHA to prevent Spammers from getting in in the first place… There’s also Account Activation… There’s also options to hide email addresses of members so that even if a spammer gets they can’t get emails… And PMs can be limited somehow…

I have an SMF board and never have had a problem with Spammers with SMF…

But I refuse to install RC here, that’s not an option. Activation/hiding of emails is also here, and is turned on.

Although it is a RC it is extremely stable and runs great, it has more features and better control to help stop spam. I understand you not wanting to install an RC but once again it is very stable, Comodo forums are using the RC3 and have had no problems. And it has also helped to cut down on spam a lot.

Hi kubecj,

Should we take the links out of the top two posting of this thread, could lead to more spamming. “Spim” is going to be more of a problem, you hear of it more and more, warnings of possible trickery should come in,


I was thinking the same thing. I think it might be a nice idea.

Believe what is happening was mentioned in this thread HERE.

It was not, no hole was used. Registered users see the emails anyway, if other users show them.