For the past 2 hours every website I go to gets me the audio warning and the pop up (square green box bottom right of screen)from Avast telling me a trojan has been detected. On the pop up is a clickable link for more info. I click on it and it brings me to an Avast page that starts 'Whew! That was close!!" after that, the page consists of nothing more than Avast trying to sell me avast Safezone.No trojan info at all. It does this on pretty much every web page I open.
At the very least this is spam, more like malware.
What’s up??? Do I look for a more reliable antivirus?
Just had a look through the forum, and it may be related to a false positive issue with one of the updates.
More info plus you can look through several posts on this forum concerning this.
Answer? Update your virus definitions. It’s probably updated itself by now, and your problem resolved.
If not, post back.
This is likely to be as a result of an FP in a VPS update 110411-1, update to 110411-2 should resolve it.
See this Blog report on it,
I updated engine and virus def. to 110411-2 and program updated to 6.0.1000 That did it.
Using AVAST 6.0.1000 My virus chest was filled with false positives yesterday. I have reinstalled the software destroyed in this mess, now I would like to know how to empty the virus chest. Each instance of the trigger in a file produces another report. I have several hundred and am not up to select-delete-OK process all day long. Is there another way in this version of the software to just empty the thing…
First ensure that you have the latest virus definitions update before doing anything else, the current one is 110412-0.
What do you mean by empty, Restore files to the original location or delete them from the chest ?
You should be able to select the relevant files in the chest by group (multiple selection), order either by Transfer time, Virus or location, etc.
From an earlier post of mine on how to do this with multiple selections: