Filter Properties/Training Area:
Set here how many days you want to wait until the messages are cleaned form the Training Area without user interaction. You can set either the maximum size of the Training Area (in Kb).
Filter Properties/Aggressiveness:
In a personal email account (not commercial) you could set HIGH (very few spam messages, you can set the probability threshold even higher than the default value of 70%) or VERY HIGH (no other than my friends emails) and, from time to time, increase the number of your friends.
VERY HIGH: if you only want to receive mails from senders that are in your Friends List. Dynamic filtering by keywords will be disabled. You will only receive messages from your friends.
HIGH: if you want to get rid of spam. Filter threshold will be set to a low value. A message will be deleted even if it contains only a few spam words.
Senders/Blocked Senders:
When you work with the messages at the Training Area and/or Recycle bin, try to set all the domain as blocked, you will prevent mutation of the user name under the same domain. Use wildcards! For instance, you can block all the domain of yahoo accounts like this: @yahoo
Of course, in Recycle bin you will be able to restore the good ones after.
Please, choose Don’t download messages from blocked senders. Skipping messages from blocked senders may save time and bandwidth. If you enable this option, all messages from blocked senders will be deleted from the server. You will not be able to restore them. Although, if you want to keep the possibility of restoration, activate the option Keep Spam-Mails on the server until I delete them from the Recycle Bin. The option Automatically learn from messages from blocked senders will also be disabled.
Check the option Don’t save newsletters in the Training Área.
You can block other extensions that are not in the default list:
ace, arc, arj, bzip2, cab, gzip, hta, htm, js, jse, pif, pst, rar, shb, shs, tar, zip, zoo
This way you can avoid virus infection. As in other cases, you will be able to restore the good ones from the Recycle bin.