I’ve been having problems of the sort that make me suspect all is not right on an XP machine.
When watching Netflix (using sliverlight) my machine hangs up randomly. It’s really nasty too, with all sorts of other problems like machine not rebooting, video not working when it does, and several other symptoms that require numerous power-offs and resets before I can get back in. Usually, (not always) it will function fine unless I try to watch that video again. Whatever little bits are being set it’s the sort of thing my bios can’t handle, and even cause me to have to go into setup on reboot. nothing is amiss, but I have to go in there.
Booting Linux works fine but of course I can’t use Netflix. If I’ve just crashed XP, usually it will cause my Linux X window system to crash shortly after it loads.
Which brings me to the real point of this topic. Once, in all the weeks I’ve been dealing with this I got the message that windows couldn’t/t load because command.com could not be found. The final line on the screen read : “press ‘r’ to start repahr.”
It was spelled “repahr”. I don’t remember the exact working but the spelling error stood out. Anyone else seen that?
Maybe its not a windows message. maybe its from my bios. I dont really know, but I think its a basic DOS msg I’ve seen before.