Splash Screen

??? I have a question as to why the Splash
Screen appears on my computer and freezes. After about an hour I try to close it but it freezes up and I have to manually stop the action by using Control-Alt-Delete. It also gives me a chance to send an error report to Microsoft. (I didn’t) Anyone can reply to me at: mlm1932@juno.com. I am still playing around with this program so I might not have configured it properly. Thanks,

First of all, Welcome to forums Mikell !

What splash screen are you talking about ? Splash screen when you start avast! antivirus by right-clicking on blue ball in your system tray ?

Make new shortcut on your desktop and point it to ashSimpl.exe file inside the directory where you installed avast! (default is: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashSimpl.exe). Try starting avast! by clicking on that icon twice… see what happens…

That file will start avast! antivirus without splash screen. Try that and let us know what’s happening…

If that doesn’t help, you may have to reinstall avast! antivirus, 'cause it looks to me that installation is corrupt… or… even worst, you have some virus inside your PC which won’t let your antivirus start without problems. Go to Trend Micro’s Housecall and perform online scan.



;D Hey! That was fast Graftec! I now have a new icon on my start up screen that starts Avast properly. I deleted the other icon thata gave me the splash screen.
Incidentally, the Splash Screen gave access to register and told me it was running a memory test (or something like that!) Looks good now, and I thank you a million (NOT dollars), just a million!
You’re a pal!

No problem, but don’t go yet… listen… I’ll post few information in next few minutes… ok ? So, stay here please…

EDIT (few minutes later as I promised… ;D):

Start your avast! antivirus clicking on that icon you just created on your desktop. Go into MENU, or simply right click somewhere on avast! window. Go into SETTINGS, then choose COMMON (most likely it’s already selected). Uncheck TEST MEMORY DURING APPLICATION START-UP. That will disable memory check each time you start avast! from system tray (blue ball icon with white “a” inside). Now, try to start avast! from there as well and see what happens…

However, if your program hangs during memory checking, that doesn’t have to be worst thing that could happen, but it could be… just in case, it could be something related to some nasty virus sitting in your memory… your memory test should pass without any problems, especially not with hangups…

My advice: Go to HOUSECALL anyway and check your system online. Keep us updated what’s happening… When was the last time you performed whole system antivirus check ? Do it ASAP for your own safety…

Cheers !

Btw, I’m Craftec with “C”, not with “G”… no big deal, anyway…