Spybot-S & D error message

Does anyone know much about Spybot-Search & Destroy program? I downloaded Spybot-Search & Destroy over a year ago. Last week I updated Spybot for the first time. Just recently, I’ve heard not to download “Teatimer.” I don’t know if I downloaded Teatimer a year ago or just recently when I updated the program.

My first question is, how can I find out if I have Teatimer,and if I do have it, should I uninstall it, or keep using it? I don’t know what it’s used for.

Now, I just got through running Spybot (“Check for problems”). I haven’t used the “fix selected problems” feature yet because an error message appeared in the “Problem” screen of Spybot.

This is the error message: Error during check! NewDotNet (Datei C:\WINDOWS\wininit.ini kann.

Underneath this message are three “problems?” They are: Adware.Webext, DyFuCA, and SurfSideKick.

Also, a different message keeps popping up. This is the message: Cannot find any installed language resource DLLs. Please reinstall the product.

Every time I click the “OK” button, the same message keeps apprearing. It has appeard about 20 times now, even as I am writing this. I don’t know what the “reinstall the product” means. I don’t know if they are talking about reinstalling Spybot or something else.

Second question, what do I do with the "error message in Spybot with the three problems, including the “reinstall product” message?

I’d really appreciate your expertise so I can continue to use Spybot. Thanks, Megaman

When u install the program, the tea-timer is installed too, but u can choose either to enable or disable it.
To check, open spybot, go to mode, then advanced mode, click the tab “tools”, then click resident, and see if “tea-timer” is checked, if it is, it’s enabled. i personally dont use teatimer because i think it’s annoying, every time u install new programs, it warns u about changes made to ur computer.

Thanks Johnny, I went through the procedures and teatimer was not checked or enabled. Happy Thanksgiving, Megman

Johnny, is it okay to use the advance mode with Spybot when checking and fixing the problems? I’ve always used the default mode. Thanks, Megaman

No problems… just that you’ll need to learn more features, possibilities, settings, etc.

Tech people, no need to follow-up on my inquiries about Spybot. I uninstalled it and reinstalled again, and the problem has left. Thanks, Megaman

megaman04, the immunize feature is good to use. :slight_smile:

What do you mean by “good to use?” All I do is click on the “check for problems” button and if there’s a problem, then I click on the “fix the problem” button. Megaman

spy bot has a list of known spyware that it will block from you if you enable it.

spy bot has a list of known spyware that it will block from you if you enable it.

I just ran Spybot and only clicked on the “Immunize” button. It reported, “Immunization has finished,” and also, “2326 bad products are now blocked.” What’s that “bad products” about? I don’t have to do anything else right?Megaman

That is correct. :wink:

Thanks. I started a new thread on Spyblaster. I’m having problems with that too. Megaman

:slight_smile: In the future if you have any questions about Spybot,
ask THEIR Experts on THEIR forums at :

Okay, thanks. Megaman