;D Me again. Something I discovered a few years ago but never had an answer… Why is it when you click the lens up in the gray square near the Spybot Search and Destroy title you get a game like Minesweeper with a Hiiiii-Hiiii Trojan horse sound. Is this a bad joke or a virus integrated to the software. I have downloaded it from Cnet and also from their official web site.
Its just a game ( hidden easter egg) for those who can’t leave their computer while scanning ;D http://help.cnet.com/Spybot_Search_Destroy/9602-12576_39-0.html?messageID=2509937&tag=tip-2509937&ssaProductSeriesId=10122137&kw=Spybot
I think it must obviously be a virus installed by a security company which is probably installed on millions of computers.
What I believe you are seeing is what is known as an easter egg.
More apparent to the average user, it offers faster scanning and more thorough removal of threats. If the scan still seems to drag, try clicking the icon at the top left of the main panel (just below the Help menu) for an "Easter egg" diversion.
There is a hidden Easter egg by clicking the small icon in one of the tools menus in advanced mode, where you are presented with a Knight's tour.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight%27s_tour
This took a couple of minutes to dig out on google.