Spyware and Trojan removal

Who can tell: is the Spyware Removal Instructions website (http://www.removal-instructions.com) trustworthy?
They recommend SpyHunter scanners. Are they trustworthy?
Which are currently the most recommended Trojan detector and remover programs?

Well the WOT firefox add-on doesn’t like it much, see image.

Neither does SiteAdvisor, see http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/removal-instructions.com.

Dr. Web found nothing.
But K9 alerts on that site too…

HI DanAn
Do you think that there just might be any chance that “download removal instructions” was an affiliate marketer of SpyHunter?
did you happen to read the “contact us” and the terms of service
Do not ask them for support on any malware product- gotta love it!

K9 also blocks Photobucket so be very careful with that program. :cry:

Which program? K9?
Just configure the sections (kind of sites) you want to block.
Or configure an exception to Photobucket.