Spyware Doctor flags my site !!!!!

Attention SD5 users:
I’ve recently found out that Spyware Doctor flags my site as

a site that has malware & phishing
. :o :-X
Which of course is NOT TRUE!

Please read here: http://www.pctools.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47470

I believe someone already mentioned this in the forums, rdmaloyjr I think. The same person reporting it at pctools.com/forum.

In that topic I said I think it is more related to the fact you are a sub domain of atspace.com and also seems to be a suggestion by one of the posters on that link you gave.

However the attitude to either, add it to some white list or ignore it simply isn’t good enough, IMHO. SD should be more specific in there flagging than all sub domains getting tarred with the same brush.

I didn’t mean to cause such a ruckus! ::slight_smile: I only reported the false positive detection of the bookmark to spyros.atspace.com to improve Spyware Doctor. Users report avast! false positives to improve our beloved anti-virus. I noted Spyros is a respected member of avast! forums to verify it was indeed a false positive.

I wish I would’ve made a screen-shot of SD5’s scan report before uninstalling SD5!

The fact of SD5 freezing Opera then my whole computer got little attention compared to the bookmark flagged as a high threat. Someone already reported a problem of Opera freezing with SD5, but it supposedly was fixed. The fix obviously didn’t work for my system.

You aren’t causing any ruckus, just bringing something to light which is clearly wrong.

If you are going to flag something there should be a way of reporting it if you feel it is wrong and expect something to be done about it, in the same way as a false positive detection.

rechange the setting, use avast, all is ok

ADMIN: NO advertisements here! >:(

I don’t understand what this has to do with the original topic ?

And by putting in a link to your shop against the forum policy, makes me suspicious of the intent of the post. Also so time ago I suggested you change your avatar and even gave you a resized one in that topic.

So you either just don’t monitor your posts (with links to your shop) or you chose to ignore it.

Well, me neither :o

Other than a blatant ad, nothing and what the Administrator picked up on.

what next davidr-car dealership advertisements ::slight_smile: