Spyware doctor has blocked the low risk threat adware.adsponsor

I receive a popup window saying spyware doctor has blocked the low risk threat adware.adsponsor
when going to some websites or clicking on a link on a web page. I select block, not allow when popup appears.

Details-Spyware doctor has blocked an application attempting to access a file
Infection-C:/WINDOWS/TEMP/AVAST4/UNP41212734.TMP The infection is always an avast temp file.

Try uploading the file to Virustotal^^(www.virustotal.com)

It should tell whether it is a good detection or a false one^^
(for me, probably a false positive^^)


Spyware Doctor is detecting an avast false positive, a temporary avast file.
Maybe you can exclude C:/WINDOWS/TEMP/AVAST4/ from Spyware Doctor scanning.

How do you exclude these avast temp files from spyware doctor scanning. I just got another one.
Went to safeway.com, popup window appears with high risk threat.

Backdoor.Codbot.Gen Block or Allow(Chose Block)
Infection: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_AVAST4_\UNP260327387.TMP Another avast FP?

Does anyone have spyware doctor who can help me? I could turn off the intellishield in doctor, but then I wouldn’t be fully protected. :cry:

What does it say in the help file about exclusions/whitelist, etc. surely it has a help file ?


Global Action List in Spyware Doctor 6

To add a file:

Open the program > Settings > Global Action List > Add.
At the 'Select data type: ’ dropdown box make sure you select ‘File on disk’.
Browse for the ‘executable file’ (.exe file) that opens and runs the application in question.
Once the file is selected, at the bottom dropdown box make sure ‘Always allow’ or ‘Always Block’ is selected, then click the ‘Add’ button.

To add a website URL or cookie:

Open the program > Settings > Global Action List > Add.
At the ‘Select data type:’ dropdown box make sure you select ‘website address/cookie’.
Type in the URL of the website or cookie.
Once the file is selected, at the bottom dropdown box make sure ‘Always allow’ or ‘Always Block’ is selected, then click the ‘Add’ button.

Which avast .exe or website should I block? AshWebSv.exe?

I don’t use spyware doctor so I don’t know anything about how it functions.

You have to exclude the the files in the avast4 folder, this is where avast unpacks files that it is going to scan.

The problem is it doesn’t look like you can exclude folders in spyware doctor unless there is something about selecting a folder or if it uses wildcards in the same way as avast does.

The second problem if you can only select a file e.g. C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_AVAST4_\UNP260327387.TMP this file will never be recreated again as the name is random to all intents and purposes. The only thing that remains the same is the folder location and the UNP and .TMP parts the numbers in the middle change. So if it allows wildcards you would add something like this C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_AVAST4_\UNP*.TMP (assuming that the * is the wildcard).

This was never a problem until the last week or so. I get it now every time I access massively.com . It seems to me that it’s something that has been introduced with an update from either Avast or Spyware Doctor. I’d have thought it was for those two companies to sort out where the conflict is and fix it rather than for their customers to have to reduce their security settings in order to over-ride an alert on the assumption that it’s a false positive. We don’t install security suites in order to get round them by making such assumptions!

Well… two programs in conflict because they’re trying to do the same: to protect your system the program should “own” the files, fully access, and they fight for only one to win, so… you will choose to make an exclusion (exception) that won’t harm your system or be self confident in only one of them. Remember that avast has antispyware protection too.


Avast’s detection rate was well over 3 times that of Spyware Doctor in a recent test.

Spyware Doctor was recently reviewed as identifying many False Positives.

Spyware Doctor was recently reviewed as failing to uninstall properly.

This Forum is generally helpful but it seems unlikely to be the means to fixing your problem.

My regards


Try posting it on the PC Tools forum as it appears to be a Spyware Doctor false positive.



And which of the two programs had to be hot-fixed last Friday because its update introduced a false positive ;)?

Hi Seffrid,

I am not aware of your reference but if your inference is that Avast is not perfect; then I’m not aware anyone ever claimed that it is infallible.

However, this thread is related to a specific problem where the ball appears to be in another court; namely that of PC Tools.

My regards