Spyware Terminator question

i know this issue is for syware terminator team but i want you to help me with this problem/question…i use comodo firewall,avast home edition and now i installed spyware terminator to have real-time spyware protection…the bad thing is that spyware terminaror behaves like a firewall(it creates rules for every application that is going to run at startup etc)…does any1 now what settings should i do to stop creating rules and stay protected at the same time?can any1 tell me what are the best settings i can do so spyware terminator will protect me without asking my permission for the programs that i run in my pc.?

thnx a lot in advance… :smiley:

You would probably get much better answers for their forum:

hi, sounds like you have the hips feature on, correct? If so the program will ask permissions from you.

Have you changed the default settings?
If you enable the HIPS and change applications rules, well, they could be boring.
The best, right now for me, is only on-demand scannings of spyware. I’ve disable even Windows Defender :stuck_out_tongue:
Safe surf, Script blocking, no Active-X… I’m living… 8)

actually i don’t have hips enabled but i found thes solution…i reinstalled it and when the setup wizard started i clicked on the option “beginner mode” in which it blocks the malwares without asking u for permission… :wink:

thnx all of u… :smiley:

If in the future, any software stop working, please, first unload Spyware Terminator and test…
Automatic HIPS blocking has a lot of disadvantages… the user doesn’t know why some software is being blocked, why it is not running well… :-\ :cry:

i have disabled HIPS coz of that…thnx anyway :smiley:

Until yesterday I would have said that, like a firewall, all those pop ups will eventually stop and you will hardly know Spyware Terminator is there.

But then yesterday morning I found the program started blocking A-Squared (the program opened but couldn’t scan) and SuperAntispyware (wouldn’t open at all). Now this morning some of the child processes for Comodo Firewall and Ewido (old version) got blocked. I know its Spyware Terminator causing the problem because I had it set to notify about blocked events, yet there were no rules to block any of these processes.

I’ve been using Spyware Terminator for a few months without problems and other than signature updates I’m not aware of any program changes (well, I do have the new avast! beta installed but I doubt that’s related).

Has anyone else experienced this?

Call me prophet… 8)

Prophet or jinx? ;D

I liked this program until it went psychotic on me :frowning: Uninstalling under these circumstances was a little difficult - Add/Remove Programs wouldn’t even open at first - but its gone now.

What’s gone?
The program or the problem?

Both are gone - the program then the problem.

I never had any problems with Spyware Terminator, but I ditched it along with Ad-Aware SE because they don’t find anything but false positives.

My other security programs keep off all true positives including those that ST or AA might find.