Based on GoogleChrome 4 but without the privacy issues and with the AdBlockPlus, Shorten and Expanding URL and QuickSearch extensions aboard is a browser that I like very much to work with. See how it looks with the theme I have installed there shown attached,
It is about the same, but does not have the privacy issues we find with the Google Chrome version.
On the other hand the new avast5 program will come bundled with Google Chrome. So avast made that agreement with Google. Not that if you should install SRWare’s Iron in stead it would not check that browser - the shields just work like in other browsers (firefox, flock, etc.),
you got system resource issues with Google Chrome ??? I saw some people were complaining about this browser running multiple processes (one per tab)…yeah, that’s one of the reason I like Chrome. This doesn’t increase CPU nor RAM load, this just makes the browser more stable, one tab can crash on a page, and the browser doesn’t. Sorry for hijacking a bit
You tell it like it is (you are forgiven for hijacking thee thread a tiny bit), e.g.: even like on one page Flash is nagging again, you can close it down and go on browsing, no other browser at the moment I know of can perform in that way for you.
It is not only about stability, this feature and the sandbox way it performs, will make this browser awfully difficult to get hacked by malcreants, so much more secure,
yeah, concerning extensions, I agree, badly needed in Chrome, there’s now this centralized and official web page:
only available atm for guys developing extensions so they can upload it there… you must sign in to your google account to access that. But this page is the same page that will be used in a near future for people to simply add an extension to Chrome. Which means, again, that you won’t be able to add anything without signing in first : …LOL I guess the extensions once loaded will still be usable without being signed in ;D
I understand the need to require a login for uploading an extension on this site, but why request from users to sign in when they just want to install one ???
I just could install the extensions in SRWare’s Iron without further ado, especially I like ABP+ and QuickSearch, if NoScript and RequestPolicy would be available for SRWare’s Iron, I think I would never use another browser again. I think so many people now switch to Chrome based browsers is because of the browser speed gained. Compare Chrome browser to IE and you actually experience why Microsoft did too little too late in browser land, because Fx and GoogleChrome urged them to - they left IE6 soooo long unimproved, and see how Google operates - silent patching (sometimes two versions per day), constant updating of the Google toolbar, they are into ads, they are into e-mailing (GMail), they now try to convince parties to enroll their exclusive DNS service, they will have an Android, their OS is waiting 'round the corner, and the only criticism they get is privacy related, so is not that clever or rather clever, “all your Internet will belong to …”?