SSFK.exe was not detected by avast!

Hello, I hope that someone reads this.

Recently I found out that I had SSFK.exe process runing on my PC, after a little research I found out its an adware/trojan.,ssl&ei=_tZqVveRFaabygPw0L7YBQ#q=ssfk.exe

I wonder, how it could by pass avast and get into my services, by using avast I felt pretty sure that I will avoid such a things, it often crashe Chrome and changed home pages to some weird sites and such, who knows what else it did.

Do you have PUP detection enabled ?

For assistance in cleaning/checking:

What is PUP ?

PUP = Possibly Unwanted Program
Some others call it PUA

PUP = Potentially unwanted Program >

Malwarebytes PUP Criteria

What are ‘PUP’ detections, are they threats and should they be deleted?

upload and test SSFK.exe here if tested before, click rescan for a fresh result
Post link to scan result here