Chrome is showing a broken lock on our site, with the text “This site uses weak security…”, “Chrome verifed that avast…”, “Your connection to Avast uses a moden cipher”.
I came to the site avast site to find a solution and lo and behold, even the Avast site was showing the same problem.
I’ve uploaded an image showing this.
Just installed the newest version of Avast. That had no effect.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi, we have started to use SHA-256 signatures and hashes in our Web/Mail Shield MITM certificates. However in the previous version, SHA-1 was used. In this case you probably still have our “old” SHA-1 root cert installed that need to be re-generated. Reinstalling avast should help in your case and is the easiest way to fix that, or, if that is not an option for you, let me know, I can instruct you how to force the certificate regeneration manually.