SSL Certificate


we are running serveral Windows 2003 Server R2 and with one machine I have the problem that the certifacte allways seems to become invalid. I have no real idea why because (in theory…well in relation to chaos theory) all machines should have been setip in the same way.
The machines have SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition running. The ADNM build should be 4.7.531. OS is German Version…

Any idea?

is it time for Happy new Year allready somewhere? :slight_smile: If so…Happy New Year

Hi, and welcome to the avast forums.

Please check out this thread: does it apply to you? If so, does it solve the problem?

Thanks, and have a Happy New Year 2007 too!


I will check… Server is in Istanbul but I will give it a try at night… to dangerous in the “morning” ;D
I will let you know. Thks