Since updating to 7.0.1426 SSL/TLS connections in Mail Shield fail.
Using Outlook 2007 on Win7 x64, all encryption in Outlook mail account set to none. SMTP & POP in Avast set to TLS but Outlook fails to connect to mail server “The server responded: 421 Cannot establish TLS”
I have another computer running Outlook 2007 (encryption disabled), Win7 x32, Avast 6.0.1367 with SMTP & POP set to TLS and everything works fine. Could there be a problem with Avast! 7?
Hi Hatcher,
Have you tried removing all the entries under mail shield → ssl accounts and then running outlook again?
Should this fail perhaps try repairing avast? this can be done from the add/remove programs.
Thanks Hellion, I have tried both of your suggestions but still no luck.
I have to disable any SSL encryption to send/receive emails or I get the following error from outlook -
Receiving’ reported error (0x800CCC0F) : ‘The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: -ERR Cannot establish TLS with POP server , SSL_connect error 5’
Hi Hatcher,
Sorry for the late response, I was hoping a more senior avast forum member would jump in here.
Are you sure that all settings and updates in outlook and Avast are the same across both computers?
By looking at your first post you said this was after a update? is the other machine of similar set-up also updated to the same version as the problematic one?
What other security software are you running?
Could be a lack of Outlook 2007 users.
I might have been more help but I only know one user with avast! 7.0.1426/Outlook combination and he’s got ‘2010’ and not reporting any problems.
Hi Vladimyr,
Thanks for the response,
I run Avast (latest) on my desktop and laptop and both are running office 2007.
I have never had any issues either.
Hi All,
Well I have been Able to reproduce the issue.
I installed windows 7 and office 2007 and updated both to the latest, then I installed the latest Avast and set up my Exchange E-mail account.
When I start outlook I see no Avast splash screen and the mail shield is definitely not working.
I have the exact same set up working on two other machines, one 32bit and another 64bit.
I have the same issue with Outlook 2003:
Good to know v6 doesn’t have this problem - and just discovered filehippo still have it available