SSL/TLS Change For Avast

Can some one tell me why I need to untick SSL in my Mail Server so that Avast Free can do the security check on it, if I need to then how do I do it? Do I go into Ourlook Express, Tools, Mail Server, Properties, Advanced and then untick the boxes by the Outgoing Mail and Incoming Mail? or do I just ignore the request by Avast?

I checked this one more out of curiosity since it is in the avast! Mobile Security sub-forum, hopefully one of the moderators can move this to the correct forum - avast! Free/Pro/Suite -

Avast can’t monitor/scan SSL/TLS traffic, that is the whole point of secure encrypted traffic, to keep prying eyes out, including your AV.

By unchecking the ‘This server requires a secure connection (SSL)’ options in Outlook Express, Tools, Accounts, Mail, (select the account/s using SSL), Properties, Advanced Tab. You would also need to set the SMTP port to 25 and POP3 port to 110. Avast will manage the secure connection side of things.

You should also ensure that the ‘Log on using Secure Password Authentication’ in the servers Tab as that too would require a secure connection to be established.

See - avast! 7.x: SSL Problems The Mail Shield may not scan some e-mails - see

Thank you for that reply DavidR, it is now all sorted. Chippy1

You’re welcome.