Stadard Shileld & heuristics [WAS:suspic.wav?]

When is this WAV file used by Avast?
sound CAUTION: Potential infection was detected.”
I always hear virfound.wav instead.
sound WARNING: There is a virus on your computer.”

It’s called suspic.wav. The old file possible.wav was removed from the distribution as it wasn’t used anyway.

??? ??? ???

I believe the sound should be used for heuristic - when a suspicious (but not clearly infected) message is received/sent.

Does the standard shield have heuristic detection capabilities?

The Standard Shield features the same detection capabilities/modules as the on-demand scan. That is, it has all the generic detection stuff etc. but no code emulation mode. So it depends on what you call heuristics – that’s a very vague word now used for many things…
