Standard Shield freezes system

??? I’m using Avast!4 and have run into a problem with system freezes. If I leave my computer on and it is idle for more than about 3 hours the system will become unresponsive and has to be rebooted in order to be used. I’ve run checks for spy-ware, trojans, etc. and find nothing wrong. Using Task Manager I have discovered my Commit Charge inches up over time. When it reaches about 315000K the trouble starts. The only way I seem to be able to stop memory usage from inching up is to stop the Standard Shield provider. Does anybody know if this is a known issue and if there is a solution or could it be a corrupt installation warranting a new Avast installation? Thanks for any suggestions.

Windows XP sp1
256mb Rdram
2.4ghz Pentium 4

Commit charge— more or less Overall memory use.

Look under the ‘Proccesses’ tab. Do you see any programs with rising RAM usage?

Do you have any tasks set to run after system is idle for a while (ESPECIALLY any defragging/scanning type activity)?

No, I don’t see any with RAM rising, but the Commit Charge continues to rise. In reply to the other, no I don’t have anything scheduled for a run when the the system is idle.


Please, for a non-English spoker, can you explain a little bit more what is Commit Charge?
If your problem is with RAM, try RAMBooster 1.6 (
I have Win XP Pro, 256Mb. I have no trouble to Shutdown, Restart and/or Hibernation. Not even a system crash since I have started to use avast. Of course, my computer has been idle for more than three hours and nothing happened.
Do you have enoght free disk space? :slight_smile:

As I understand it, memory that is being used by Windows or handed over to applications is the Commit Charge because that amount of memory has been committed to use. As for the free disk space I have a 30gb hard drive of which 20gb is free so that shouldn’t be the problem.


Hmm, I cannot imagine what is happening… :cry:

Thanks for trying. I’ll keep looking for a solution and if one comes up I’ll post.

Thanks again.