Standard shield question

I’ve recently changed my standard shield setting to normal in order to improve Thunderbird deleting speed.

FYI (firefox users), I use the download statusbar extension to get avast to scan the file when downloaded. Same with leechget.

Would the high setting affect a firewall? I’ve experimented with ZA, Kerio and Netveda. With Netveda the wireless adapter would hang a lot, try to connect and fail, on a frequent basis. No such problems with ZA and Kerio.

Would the High setting have anything to do with this?

Don’t want to re-install Netveda without good reason.


You don’t have to use any Firefox plugin if you have avast! Web Shield provider installed. It will do same thing transparently!

If the user has Windows XP…
If not, search for the tutorial of Webshield proxy settings.