Hello all after some time. I have only one straight-forward question this time: what would happen (i.e. how would Avast! handle this) if the “Scan executed programs” checkbox would be checked but all the three others below it (i.e. “32-bit/64-bit Windows (Win32/Win64) executables”, “16-bit Windows executables”, and “MS-DOS based programs”) un-checked?!
I mean, obviously the first checkbox generally sets/unsets (or rather enables/disables) scanning of executed programs, while the other three checkboxes just specifiy in detail which type of executables to check. However, if all the three are un-checked, which category (of programs/executables) remains to be scanned, or in other words, isn’t it that these three categories contain all possible/existing types of executable programs??
/EDIT: Oh sorry, now I see that I already asked this same question (there were two questions in total) in the “Avast: few questions in regard to Standard Shield’s settings” thread, but anyway, DavidR who relpied to my post didn’t provide an answer to it.
I would say it would only leave .com files to be scanned, but they are aren’t strictly programs, so I don’t know. But this could be playing on semantics as I don’t know what is meant by 32-bit/64-bit Windows (Win32/Win64) executables, if it is literal as in Windows System files or all .exe files on Windows systems (which is the more likely).
All I do know it would be somewhat crazy to uncheck all three, especially the 32-bit/64-bit Windows (Win32/Win64) executables.
Yes, you’re off course right about that - , it’s only a theoretical question (in fact, I was wondering why after you uncheck all these three checkboxes the whole section doesn’t become “greyed-out” as I would expect and as I’ve seen in other programs where such settings exist), and again, thanks for the reply!!
Like many configurable options like this disabling the mail option disables all sub-options, but disabling the sub-options doesn’t automatically disable the main option.