Hi Guys,
I’ve searched the forums and come up blank, so excuse me if this question has been asked before.
How can I adjust the Standard Shield Sensitivity on all managed clients via the ADNM console?
We manage 1800+ installations via ADNM. By default the Standard Shield Sensitivity is set to
NORMAL on all NetClient/NetServer installs.
My problem is we currently have Win32.Sality doing the rounds on our network.
On NetClient installs it is being detected when scanned but not on creation because of TMP extension, which I understand.
But at least it is detected when a scan of the machine is run.
On ServerClient installs it is NOT BEING DETECTED AT ALL when Shield Sensitivity = NORMAL. Not on access, or even
when the file is manually scanned. Very bad
If I set Shield Sensitivity = HIGH, then everything is OK. This is my primary objective right now.
Now I cannot manually go to 1800+ PC’s to adjust this setting, and I cannot seem to find the
right options under the ADNM console…
Can I do this by customising the avast4.ini ? Again, my searches for these answers have been
fruitless so any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.