Standard Suite Purchase Question

I’m looking at Avast Standard Suite and had a question about whats included.

Its my understanding (from the online product literature) that 1 Standard Suite comes with 10 Avast Pro Licenses. When I order online it asked how many Standard Suite Licenses I would want (it indicates this is for the servers)…I put 2. When it comes to the billing screen the tally for the Standard Suite(s) is 10. Does this indicate that the two server licenses I requested a quote for will each have 5 PRO CALS (for a total of 10) or that I have CALS for 10 Servers with no workstation software? Shouldn’t the count read 20 CALS for 2 Standard Suite Server license purchases?

I have a few weeks to make the purchase but I have to provide a quote in a few days. It would really be helpful to understand what the site was telling me so I can quote accurately.


Did you read what it says on THIS page?

Yep, but I was receiveing conflicting information from a sales representative from what the online calculator was telling me and what I was reading.

Believe the representative if it was someone from Alwill :slight_smile: